Chicago gay bar websites

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Although The Closet Bar attracts a predominantly lesbian and gay crowd, everyone is welcome. Gay men and lesbians mingle delightfully at The Closet over a game of darts, and the bar hosts a king show and a monthly drag queen spectrum. The Closet Bar in Chicago is an unpretentious video bar staple that has been around since long before video bars became popular.

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If you fancy watching a game at a gay sports bar, watching drag queens lip-syncing your favorite songs, indulging in a karaoke adventure with the sisters, getting woofy with the bears, getting your leather on, or dancing among a sea of twinks, Chicago’s got you covered. Make your way to the Windy City for some Chicago-style hot dogs, Chicago-style pizza, and Chicago-style gay bars! Boystown in West Lakeview continues to be a thriving gayborhood characterized by LGBTQ residents, businesses, and nightlife. 9Jul The Closet – The Best Gay Bar in Chicago

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