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CINEMA - MOVIE - Homosexuality - COVER - COPERTINA DI RIVISTA ILLUSTRATA - GI Ī 1960s advert for Taubmans 'Duo-plastic Gaydec' interior and exterior paint – it appeared in an Australian magazine in 1962. His acting career didn't last much beyond that. Blond and beefy Fury was one of a number of bodybuilder and physique model types who followed muscleman Steve Reeves out to Italy in the early 60s and won campy notice playing Herculean characters in those campy Italian sand-and-spear epics. CINEMA - MOVIE - Homosexuality - COVER - COPERTINA DI RIVISTA ILLUSTRATA - GI 1957, GREAT BRITAIN : The pionier british gay illustrated magazine ADONIS - THE ART MAGAZINE OF THE MALE PHYSIQUE ,in cover the future muscle peplum american actor ED FURY ( born Edmund Holovchik, the day J).

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1957, GREAT BRITAIN : The pionier british gay illustrated magazine ADONIS - THE ART MAGAZINE OF THE MALE PHYSIQUE ,in cover the future muscle peplum american actor ED FURY ( born Edmund Holovchik, the day J).

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